Monday, October 11, 2010

A Nightmare on Elm Street Comparison 1984 vs 2010

Releases: Original: November 9, 1984. Remake: April 30, 2010
In the Remake they changed the characters names except for Nancy and Freddy Krueger.

In the Original Freddy kills children but in Remake he liked children.

His face, voice, and actor were different in the remake.

Similarities: The killer was Freddy Krueger

The ending is similar. In the original Freddy grabs Nancy's mom and pulls her through a window. In the remake Freddy stabs his claw glove through her head and eyes and pulls her through a mirror.

Tina Gray (in the original) is killed flying above her bed getting sliced in the chest. Kris Fowles is killed being thrown around the room and sliced in the chest.

I think the remake was scarier and awesome. But the original was a classic and so is this one. Sweet Dreams

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