Is This Long Awaited Zelda Game,The Best One? The Answer is no but it comes close.
The long anticipated Legend of Zelda game has came a long way from the E3 2009 Artwork to the E3 2010 Reveal Trailer and Demo to the E3 2011 with more demos trailers and details. I read reviews on this saying it's the best Zelda title yet but I say it's pretty close but I still enjoy Majora's Mask and OoT 3D better but OoT 3D is a remake so scratch that.But Majora's Mask is still the best with it's dark story, music, emotional characters. But anyway Skyward Sword, I believe the graphics are one of the best I found Twilight Princess graphics being well a little odd (please don't hate me D:).
The graphics are really colorful and it allows a lot of imagination to be put in.
The Characters: Link is pretty much the same but this is the oldest interpretation of him. Zelda is a little more childish but again is older. Groose is kind of the Biff Tannen of Skyward Sword ( he stole Link's Loftwing!! )he becomes a pretty cool guy and I enjoy him. Gaepora is Zelda's father and has the name of that one owl in Ocarina of Time, he also looks like him and has the same laugh HOO HOO. Fi is Link's guide (like Navi and Midna Before Her)is a real mysterious person or thing.
The Gameplay: Is fun and is like Wii Sports Resort's Swordplay mode. You control your sword with the Wii Remote with the Motion Plus piece or if you have a Wii Remote Plus Special remote. The items are used like Wii Sport's Archery (Bow and Arrow and Slingshot) Bowling (Bombs) Air Plane (Beetle and Your Loftwing). But overall is a very addicting experience
+ Great Characters
+ Great Story
+ Great Music
- Boring Start
9/10 A Great Zelda Title but not the best.